Jaime Elias de la Garza
The California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB) conducts hearings of cases concerning claims for unemployment and disability benefits. These cases are appeals of determinations made by the Employment Development Department (EDD). The CUIAB also holds hearings on petitions from taxpayers concerning assessments made by EDD's Tax Branch. The initial hearings and decisions are heard in twelve Offices of Appeals throughout the state. These offices conduct the first level of appeal. A losing party at the first level may appeal to the second level. The CUIAB decides over 320,000 separate cases per year.

* 300,000 cases are decided at the first level of appeal.
* 20,000 cases are decided at the second level of appeal.

Jaime E de la Garza
Californai Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board
300 S Spring St #1502
Los Angeles CA 90013
Tel: 213 897-5267
Fax: 213 897-5282
E-mail: jaimed@cuiab.ca.gov
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