Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
Santa Monica, California based criminal defense law firm, Cron, Israels & Stark represent clients in Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Riverside and San Bernardino C READ MORE http://www.cronisraelsandstark.com
Certified Criminal Law Specialist, State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization
* Homicide, Murder, Attempted Murder
* Property / Theft / Fraud / Embezzlement
* Sex Crimes
READ MORE http://www.alecrose.com
When the Stakes are High, When the Case is Unusual, Depend on Experienced Attorneys Who Know How to Handle Difficult Cases
At Randolph & Associates, the attorneys have a wealth of experience availa READ MORE http://www.randolphassociates.com
We have handled a variety of state and federal criminal matters, including: tax fraud, bank fraud, mail and wire fraud, medical fraud, political corruption, drug offenses, money laundering, sex offens READ MORE http://nasatirhirsch.com
Madelynn G Kopple
212 26th St #285
Santa Monica CA 90402
Tel: 310 451-2845
Fax: 310 451-2865
E-mail: madelynnkopple@hotmail.com READ MORE http://maps.google.com/...
Criminal Defense
* Bail and Bond Hearings
* Civil and Criminal Restraining Orders
* Collateral Consequences of a Criminal Conviction
* DMV Hearings
* Domestic Violence
* READ MORE http://www.cronisraelsandstark.com
With businesses everywhere hunkering down to weather the economic storm, so are many law firms. As it turns out, Bingham was built for this storm.
Over the past decade, we've been thinking things t READ MORE http://www.bingham.com
We have handled a variety of state and federal criminal matters, including: tax fraud, bank fraud, mail and wire fraud, medical fraud, political corruption, drug offenses, money laundering, sex offens READ MORE http://nasatirhirsch.com
Criminal Defense
* Bail and Bond Hearings
* Civil and Criminal Restraining Orders
* Collateral Consequences of a Criminal Conviction
* DMV Hearings
* Domestic Violence
* READ MORE http://www.cronisraelsandstark.com
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