Paul Mones
Children's Rights Advocate & Sexual Abuse Attorney
For nearly 30 years Paul Mones has dedicated his law practice and professional careen to issues surrounding the rights and treatment of children a READ MORE
Carol Ann Richardson
Children who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned come under the protection of the Los Angeles County Juvenile Dependency Court system. Children's Law Center was created by the Superior Court in READ MORE
Molly Stone Nealson
Children who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned come under the protection of the Los Angeles County Juvenile Dependency Court system. Children's Law Center was created by the Superior Court in READ MORE
Wayne L Morrow
Children who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned come under the protection of the Los Angeles County Juvenile Dependency Court system. Children's Law Center was created by the Superior Court in READ MORE
Marlene Wendy Furth
Children who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned come under the protection of the Los Angeles County Juvenile Dependency Court system. Children's Law Center was created by the Superior Court in READ MORE
Leslie Starr Heimov
Children who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned come under the protection of the Los Angeles County Juvenile Dependency Court system. Children's Law Center was created by the Superior Court in READ MORE
David Franklin Estep
Children who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned come under the protection of the Los Angeles County Juvenile Dependency Court system. Children's Law Center was created by the Superior Court in READ MORE
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