Wendy Ellen Hartmann
* Family Law
* Estate Planning & Probate
* LGBT Law
* Real Estate Law
* Business Law
A Southern California Full Service Law Firm: Lawyers for YOUR Life!
Bennett & Erdman is a full service law firm that can handle the broad range of legal issues you may encounter throughout your life. At Bennett & Erdman, we understand that your situation is unique, and that is where our experience and our dedication to our clients becomes invaluable. We want to make sure your legal needs are taken care of at every stage of your life.
We have an excellent track record of success handling complex legal issues, including those in the following areas:
* Family law
* LGBT law
* Business and real estate law
* Wills, trusts and probate
We believe the backgrounds and experience of our attorneys make our law firm uniquely qualified to handle your legal matter. Whether you are involved in a family law, business or real estate dispute, or need help forming your business or working on an estate plan, we have the experience to assist you in an effective and efficient manner.
Our team of attorneys includes two lawyers who are Certified Family Law Specialists* as well as a Certified Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Specialist,* who also has an LL.M. (Masters of Law Degree) in Taxation. We also have several accomplished trial lawyers with broad experience in diverse fields such as complex business and civil litigation, business formations, real estate and LGBT law. For additional information about our qualifications and the benefits of retaining our services, please visit our firm overview page.
Our Attorneys Are Known for Their Groundbreaking Work and Unparalleled Successes in Complex Legal Issues Requiring High Quality Representation.
At Bennett & Erdman, we provide a full range of legal services to individuals and businesses throughout Southern California. We can handle everything from complex divorce and family law issues to cases involving business disputes to complex estate planning and real estate.
Wendy E Hartmann
Bennett & Erdman
5670 Wilshire Blvd #1400
Los Angeles CA 90036
Tel: 323 935-0041
Fax: 323 935-0071
E-mail: weh@bennetterdman.com
