Waters & Kraus LLP
Waters & Kraus is responsible for more mesothelioma and asbestos-related trials taken to verdict than any other plaintiffs' firm in the country. We believe in justice for all, even the "little guy," and we have what it takes to fight against big interests and win.
Asbestos Litigation
Asbestos litigation encompasses mesothelioma lawsuits and is often called toxic tort litigation. This type of lawsuit is typically brought against a manufacturer or supplier of a chemical or substance that causes injury or illness.
Toxic tort cases usually involve people facing devastating illness and great hardship. Even so, these cases can be difficult to prove. Often, a long period of time elapses between exposure to the toxin and diagnosis of a related illness. Sometimes, as in the case of cancer, several decades may pass before the cancer appears.
Despite these challenges, Waters & Kraus, LLP, is dedicated to helping families harmed by exposure to toxic substances such as asbestos. Email our asbestos attorneys or call to find out more.
What If I've Been Harmed by Asbestos Exposure?
Many victims of asbestos disease and their families are entitled to receive asbestos exposure compensation because manufacturers of asbestos-containing products often knew about the dangers of asbestos. In fact, asbestos has been linked to cancer as early as the 1930s.
The evidence shows that these companies did not advise workers of the potential hazards of their products, nor did they make any effort to put warning labels on the products to inform workers of the dangers of asbestos. As a result of this failure to warn, hundreds of thousands of workers have developed asbestos-related diseases over the past century. Many have died. Bringing legal action against these companies is one remedy available to you.
Mesothelioma Litigation
Mesothelioma litigation is a type of lawsuit typically brought against manufacturers and suppliers of asbestos, a known hazardous substance used at one time in many products.
Mesothelioma cases usually involve people facing terminal illness and great hardship. Even so, these cases can be difficult to prove. Often, a long period of time elapses between exposure to asbestos and the diagnosis of mesothelioma. Typically, several decades may pass before the symptoms of mesothelioma appear.
Despite these challenges, Waters & Kraus, LLP is dedicated to helping families affected by mesothelioma. Email our asbestos attorneys or call to find out more.
What If I Have Mesothelioma?
Many victims of mesothelioma and their families are entitled to receive asbestos exposure compensation because manufacturers of asbestos-containing products often knew about the dangers of asbestos. In fact, asbestos has been linked to cancer as early as the 1930s.
The evidence shows that these companies did not advise workers of the potential hazards of their products, nor did they make any effort to put warning labels on the products to inform workers of the dangers of asbestos. As a result of this failure to warn, thousands of workers have developed mesothelioma over the past centruy. Many have died. Bringing legal action against these companies is one remedy available to you.
How Can Waters & Kraus, LLP, Help My Family?
Waters & Kraus, LLP, has represented hundreds of families who have suffered the devastating consequences of mesothelioma, and other asbestos-related diseases in jurisdictions from coast to coast. We are a leading opponent of asbestos bailout legislation and participate on a grass-roots level to preserve the legal rights of families affected by mesothelioma and asbestos exposure.
Our mesothelioma attorneys have a vast understanding of the liability of asbestos defendants. Including such issues as when the defendants first understood about the dangers of asbestos, and what they failed to do to warn and protect workers and their families.
To learn more about our representation or the firm's resources, or to have a Waters & Kraus attorney review your mesothelioma case, contact us online.
Waters & Kraus LLP
222 N Sepulveda Blvd #1900
El Segundo CA 90245
Tel: 800 226-9880; 310 414-8146
Fax: 310 414-8156
