Ronald Melin Supancic
Family Law, Mediation, Collaborative Law, Litigation
* Collaborative Law
* Mediation
* Litigation
* No Court Divorce
* Divorce Coaching
* Estate Planning & Estate Law
* Case Management
* Arbitration
* Rent-a-Judge
* Separation, Divorce, Post-Divorce
* Adoption & Paternity
* Mediated Premarital Agreement
* Compatibility Survey
* DA Collection Defense
* Marital Assessment
* Post Dissolution Support Survey
* Mini-Trials
* Annual Legal Checkup
* Family Law Update
* Legal Checklist
* Family Survey
* Collaborative Divorce Trainer
* Low Cost Legal Services
The Law Office of Ronald Supancic is focused on Family Law. While Family Law disputes are seldom pleasant, this office strives to empower parties going through the difficult process. Using the most effective methods, our staff assists families in resolving conflict, as economically as possible without compromising our clients goals.
Our services encompass all areas of Family Law. We are here to help.
Family Law Offices of Ronald M Supancic
5959 Topanga Canyon Blvd #375
Woodland Hills CA 91367-7515
Tel: 818 348-6700
Fax: 818 348-0961
