Robert John Wilson
L.A.'s premier legal defense team for DUI cases.
The firm specializes in the defense of criminal cases and is widely recognized as the top DUI trial firm in the Southern California area. The firm's goal in every case is to successfully represent the client by winning both the Department of Motor Vehicle's hearing and jury trial, if the driving under the influence charges cannot be substantially reduced before trial. As a result, both partners have tried hundreds of driving under the influence jury trials.
The firm is only interested in accepting cases where the client wants to contest and defend the DUI charges. Consequently, all cases accepted by the firm are thoroughly investigated and prepared for Admin Per Se hearings before the Department of Motor Vehicles and jury trial if necessary.
Each prospective new client is interviewed by one of the partners. An initial assessment is made as to what the best course of action will be on each case. The partners are not interested in representing clients solely to plead the clients guilty as charged.
Many clients are not desirous of having a jury trial in their case. Fortunately, many of the firm's cases are successfully settled prior to the start of jury trial. A typical successful settlement involves a plea to a lesser charge, such as a non-alcohol related reckless driving or exhibition of speed charge, with the original charge of DUI being dismissed. The partners attempt to successfully settle all cases; the cases that cannot be settled are the cases that typically proceed to jury trial.
A prospective client has many options in deciding what course of action to take when charged with driving under the influence. The firm of Hutton & Wilson is interested in aggressively representing those individuals who want to defend their cases, both in court and before the Department of Motor Vehicles.
In those cases where the client has a problem with alcohol and wants help in dealing with the situation, the firm works with a team of professionals in evaluation and treatment options.
Robert J Wilson
Hutton & Wilson
1055 E Colorado Blvd #310
Pasadena CA 91106
Tel: 626 397-9700
Fax: 626 397-3707
