Rick Vincent Curcio
With more than 500 lawyers and 1,000 employees overall, the Los Angeles Office of the City Attorney is among the largest government legal offices in the country. Second in size only to New York City in terms of municipal practices, it is the third-largest government law office in California, following the state Attorney General’s Office and the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.
The City Attorney is the chief prosecutor for the City of Los Angeles with jurisdiction to prosecute all misdemeanor criminal offenses and infractions. He is also the chief legal advisor and general counsel to the Mayor and the City Council, as well as all boards, departments, and officers in the City of Los Angeles.
As the City’s General Counsel, the City Attorney provides advice and opinions on matters of municipal concern, drafts contracts and ordinances and approves them as to form and legality, and is frequently called upon to interpret the City Charter, federal and state statutes, and other laws that govern Los Angeles. In addition, the City Attorney litigates all civil actions on behalf of the City and represents the City, its boards and officers in all civil trials and legal proceedings in local, state, and federal court.
The Office consists of three core legal branches: Civil Liability Management, Municipal Counsel, and Criminal and Special Litigation.
Rick V Curcio
Los Angeles Office of the City Attorney
Criminal Appellate Section
500 City Hall E
200 N Main St
Los Angeles CA 90012
Tel: 213 473-6900
Fax: 213 978-8779
