Mitchell Edward Abbott
The boundary lines of these specialties are not rigid, and we often find that the best way to serve a client with a complex legal problem is with a team of lawyers from two or more practice areas. Many of our lawyers practice in more than one of our practice areas.
* Appellate
* Climate Change
* E-Documents and Public Records
* Eminent Domain
* Environmental and Energy
* Labor and Employment
* Litigation
* Public Agency and Municipal Law
* Public Finance
* Public Works
* Real Estate
* Redevelopment
* Telecommunications
* Transportation
* Water Rights and Water Law
RW&G is a full-service law firm, headquartered in Los Angeles with offices in Orange County and San Francisco. We have specialized in the representation of public and private sector clients for over 50 years. The depth and diversity of our experience cannot be duplicated. RW&G is comprised of lawyers that are committed to excellence in the legal services we provide and to solving problems of business and the public sector with the highest quality legal services.
Mitchell E Abbott
Richards Watson & Gershon
355 S Grand Ave - 40th Floor
Los Angeles CA 90071-3101
Tel: 213 626-8484
Fax: 213 626-0078
