Lisa Robin Jaskol
Public Counsel is the largest pro bono public interest law firm in the world. Founded in 1970, Public Counsel is dedicated to advancing equal justice under law by delivering free legal and social services to the most vulnerable members of our community, including abused and abandoned children, homeless families and veterans, senior citizens, victims of consumer fraud and nonprofit organizations serving low-income communities.
We are the public interest law office of the Los Angeles County and Beverly Hills Bar Associations and the Southern California affiliate of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. Our staff of 39 attorneys and 5 social workers, along with thousands of volunteer lawyers, law students and legal professionals assist over 27,000 low income children, youth, adults and families, as well as eligible community organizations each year. The value of free legal services provided during 2008 is conservatively estimated at over $83 million.
Lisa R Jaskol
Public Counsel
610 S Ardmore Ave
Los Angeles CA 90005
Tel: 213 385-2977
Fax: 213 385-9089
