Laurence Ralph Goldman
Freid and Goldsman devotes its practice solely to the field of family law. The firm handles matters involving the full range of domestic relations law, including dissolution of marriage, separation, nullity, paternity, support, custody, visitation, division and valuation of marital and non-marital property, prenuptial and post nuptial agreements, and the prosecution and defense of appeals.
STRENGTH AND DILIGENCE With more than 70 years of trial experience between the two senior partners, the firm is always prepared to go to trial. Although most of their cases are ultimately resolved by settlement, this trial-readiness enables the attorneys to negotiate and represent their clients from the position of strength. Through diligence and skill, the attorneys successfully control the course of the proceedings to obtain favorable results for their clients.
DIVERSE TALENTS The attorneys at Freid and Goldsman bring a wide range of experience and expertise to the firm. Because most of the firm's lawyers attended Southern California Law Schools, the firm reflects the diversity of the region. Among the languages the attorneys speak are Spanish, French, Korean, Armenian, Lithuanian and Bulgarian. Additionally, female attorneys make up a large portion of the female staff. Along with several attorneys who are certified as family law specialists by the California State Bar Association, the firm boasts with the proficiency in fields as diverse as mental health accounting.
Laurence R Goldman
Freid & Goldsman
2029 Century Park E #860
Los Angeles CA 90067-3283
Tel: 310 552-2700
Fax: 310 552-2770
