Jeffery Oliver LeBeau
Long Beach, California, DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyer
Practice Areas
* Criminal Charges
* Domestic Violence
* Drug Charges
* DUI Defense
* Expungements and Record Sealing
* Juvenile Law
* Personal Injury Overview
* Sex Crimes
* The Criminal Process
* Theft, Burglary and Possession of Stolen Property
* Violent Crimes and Weapons Charges
For more than 19 years, the criminal defense and personal injury litigation firm of Peacock & Le Beau has been recognized throughout the Los Angeles metro region as the law firm that listens, cares and acts aggressively to protect our clients' rights. Our attorneys are California State Bar Certified Criminal Law Specialists and have earned designation as Southern California Super Lawyers by Los Angeles Magazine. Out of 120,000 California attorneys, only 300 are qualified as State Board Certified Criminal Law Specialists. Both Jeff Le Beau and Steven Peacock are certified as criminal specialists. Both have been certified for over ten years.
Let us show you why we say, "Don't risk your future, without a State Bar Certified Specialist on your side."
Jeffery O LeBeau
Peacock & LeBeau
3741 E 4th St
Long Beach CA 90814-1628
Tel: 562 284-6511
Fax: 562 284-6516
