Dudley Malone Lang
MLA's diverse range of services fall into three broad categories: transactional, litigation and government/regulatory.
McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP (MLA) is an international law firm with 475 attorneys and public policy advisors. The firm provides business solutions in the areas of environmental regulation, international law, public policy and regulatory affairs, corporate law, government contracts, intellectual property and technology, complex litigation, real estate, energy and finance.
* Transactional Services
Our transactional legal services are offered in three areas: Corporate, Real Estate and Debt Restructuring and Bankruptcy. MLA's traditional Corporate practice ranges from day-to-day counseling to mergers & acquisitions to tax planning. Additionally, we assist clients with conducting internal investigations and creating governance and regulatory compliance programs. The Corporate teams focus on helping clients meet their business objectives, while minimizing legal costs and complications. We have a vigorous and dynamic commercial real estate practice that focuses on the representation of developers and entrepreneurs but also includes representation of numerous institutional lenders and investors. Our commercial real estate lawyers have multi-disciplinary experience that spans the spectrum of real estate development, investment and finance. Our debt restructuring lawyers represent a range of investment banks, special servicers and other banking institutions in problem loans. We structure and consummate workouts of all different types, from traditional economic restructurings, to collateral recovery or "liquidation" workouts, to "prepackaged bankruptcy plans" as well as representing our clients in foreclosure receivership and other remedy enforcement matters.
* Litigation Services
MLA's Litigation practice offers experience, depth and high degrees of specialization in a variety of areas, including Product Liability and Toxic Torts, White Collar Crime and Commercial Business. Our litigation experience derives from our strong background in corporate and regulatory law. Our depth means that we handle anything from routine commercial disputes in local courts to high-profile cases in the highest state and federal appellate courts.
* Governmental and Regulatory Services
Our third major area of practice encompasses all the diverse ways in which business interacts with government. Our Regulatory attorneys assist clients with matters involving governmental bodies in the U.S. and Europe. Our Government Contracts practice was the first of its kind and continues as the country's leading practice in the field. Our work in this area focuses on clients who provide the government with highly-technical, sophisticated and complex products and systems. Our Government Affairs professionals provide legislative and regulatory counsel on behalf of clients who have issues with local, state and federal governments. We also have capabilities in highly specialized areas, ranging from environmental to food and drug to intellectual property and technology to international law.
Dudley M Lang
McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP
444 S Flower St #800
Los Angeles CA 90071-2901
Tel: 213 688-1000
Fax: 213 243-6330
E-mail: Dlang@mckennalong.com
