Dianna Gould-Saltman
Areas of Practice
* Divorce: Known in California as "dissolution of marriage," this process addresses division of assets, debts, custody of children, child and spousal support and changing legal status from "married" to "single."
* Legal Separation: A process identical to divorce, the result of which is a Judgment of Legal Separation rather than dissolution of marriage. Parties to a legal separation may not remarry after the judgment is entered without obtaining a separate dissolution of marriage.
* Annulments: A legal determination that a marriage was not valid.
* Child Custody: Determination of physical responsibility for children of a relationship as well as the rights and responsibilities of decision-making for children.
* Child Support: Determination of the appropriate amount of money to be paid from one parent to another for the financial support of children, including basic support, health insurance and medical costs, child care and related expenses.
* Spousal Support: Also known as "alimony" or "maintenance," the payment by one spouse to the other for financial support. Spousal support may be ordered on a temporary or long-term basis.
* Parentage (Paternity): The legal determination that someone is the mother or father of a child and related issues such as child custody and child support.
* Domestic Violence Prevention: Actions to obtain restraining orders preventing harmful conduct against a person or child under the care of that person and related orders such as limiting contact, giving up weapons and paying restitution.
* Modifications: A formal change to a previous order of the court, such as a change in a custody arrangement or the amount of support to be paid.
* Pre-Nuptial Agreements: Formal agreements entered into before marriage by which the rights and responsibilities of the parties during or after the marriage are established.
* Non-marital Cohabitation Agreements: Formal agreements entered into by parties seeking to live together but who do not contemplate marrying each other, by which their rights and responsibilities are established.
* Domestic Partnerships: Domestic partnership is a legal relationship which, in California, carries some, but not all the legal rights and obligations of marriage. In California, domestic partnerships can be registered between two people of the same gender. (or between people of opposite gender where one partner is eligible for Social Security retirement).
California registered domestic partnership law does not govern other states, does not change Federal law, and it is not clear to what extent other states will recognize California domestic partnerships.
This area of California law is new and still developing.
Termination of Domestic Partnerships: Similar to "divorce" for those parties who have domestic partnerships but who were not married to each other.
* Mediation: A facilitated negotiation between parties to a family law dispute to promote settlement, or compromise outside of the court.
GOULD-SALTMAN LAW OFFICES, LLP is one of the premiere family law firms in Los Angeles. We represent husbands, wives, mothers and fathers and by court appointment, children, in all family law courts in Los Angeles County, Ventura County, Orange County, and other locations in Southern California.
GOULD-SALTMAN LAW OFFICES, LLP has five attorneys to serve your family law needs. Both partners are certified by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization as Family Law Specialists.
Whether you are considering filing for a divorce, responding to papers already served on you, or wondering about modifying a prior child custody or support order, GOULD-SALTMAN LAW OFFICES, LLP has attorneys available to address your needs.
Dianna Gould-Saltman
Gould-Saltman Law Offices LLP
818 W 7th St #960
Los Angeles CA 90017
Tel: 213 489-3900
Fax: 213 489-3999
