Arthur James McDaniel
Holthouse Carlin & Van Trigt LLP, a full-service accounting and consulting firm, emphasizes six major areas of practice.
* Privately Owned Businesses
Some of the Firm's largest clients are closely held commercial enterprises, including manufacturers, distributors, service firms, and retailers. The Firm works closely with owners to ensure that individual and business plans are integrated to provide the maximum overall benefits.
* High-Net-Worth and Highly Compensated Individuals
These clients typically include entertainers, real estate investors and developers, and owners/executives of privately owned businesses. Services in this area include business management, tax compliance, income and estate tax planning, and financial planning.
* Real Estate and Hospitality
The Firm has significant experience with loan renegotiations/workouts, leasing transactions, hotels, and low income housing tax credit projects. The Firm handles the various aspects of real estate, including development, construction, syndication, operations, architecture, acquisitions and dispositions. The Firm also performs audits and provides management advisory services.
* Entertainment
The Firm represents companies and individuals in many areas of the entertainment industry, production, postproduction, talent agencies and advertising. Holthouse Carlin & Van Trigt LLP provides federal and multi-state tax preparation services, income and estate tax planning, and audit and business advisory services for many of these clients.
* High Technology
The firm has extensive experience in this industry, particularly with clients that are involved with the Internet. Services in this area include research and development credit, tax compliance, and reviewed and audited financial statements.
* Litigation Support
The firm has experience in litigation support, specializing in expert legal testimony and providing financial and tax analysis of lawsuit damages and business claims. Selected litigation engagements include:
- Partnership Disputes
- Construction
- Tax Shelters
- Fraud Investigations
Arthur J McDaniel
Holthouse Carlin & Van Trigt LLP
117 E Colorado Blvd - 6th Floor
Pasadena CA 91105
Tel: 626 243-5136
Fax: 626 243-5137
